A Drew Murphy Post-Apocalyptic Thriller - Book III
In a world ravaged by starvation, Samael Furlice emerges as a beacon of hope. Amidst the bleakness, he offers sustenance and refuge, but the price of survival may be too high.
As Famine spreads, Drew and his loyal companions must navigate a treacherous landscape, battling both hunger and those hell-bent on their demise.
With the forces of darkness converging, Drew finds himself in a desperate race against time. The omnipresent antichrist plots to eradicate him once and for all.
Can Drew outwit his shadowy foes and secure a future for humanity, or will he be snuffed out, leaving the world forever condemned to darkness?
Experience the thrilling continuation of E.M. Kelly's acclaimed series as Drew Murphy faces his ultimate trial.
Embark on an unforgettable adventure that will leave you breathless and hanging on the edge of your seat.
Don't miss out on this mesmerizing tale that has captivated readers and critics alike.